Firefighting Simulator - The Squad
Standard Edition
Nintendo Switch
遊玩《Firefighting Simulator - The Squad》,扮演大城市中的消防員,進行合作多人遊戲與好友一同撲滅危險火勢,或選擇單人遊戲模式英勇救火。
駕駛官方授權的消防車,拿好水帶,撲滅逼真火勢拯救人命。以北美西岸為靈感的大城市內有超過 40 種不同的派遣地點,等待玩家一一探索。別忘了換上由知名消防裝備製造商生產的頭盔、消防靴以及呼吸輔助器等真實的消防裝備。
- 多人遊戲合作任務模式讓你可以跟至多 3 名朋友一起組隊,並且能自行決定擔任自己最適合的角色。你可以為團隊指派任務,也可以親自上陣滅火。與自己的隊友一起合作,成為自己城市的打火英雄並拯救鄰居的性命。
- 單人遊戲模式讓你可以擔任隊長,領導經驗豐富的消防隊員成功破解任務並盡力撲滅火勢。
- 高水準的火災模擬場景,包含水、濃煙、高溫、回燃、閃燃、油類火災及其他各種起火原因,像是電器、化學物質及爆炸。
- 五款合格的 Rosenbauer 美式消防車,像是 TP3® 水箱消防車,或是 T-Rex® 液壓雲梯。
- 美國消防設備知名品牌的真實裝備,像是 Cairns®、MSA G1® SCBA 及 HAIX®。
- 有著不同區域的美國大城市,包括工業區、郊區及市中心。
Nintendo Switch Console
- 開發者: Chronos Unterhaltungssoftware
- 類型: Simulation
© 2023 astragon Entertainment GmbH and Chronos Unterhaltungssoftware UG. Developed by Chronos Unterhaltungssoftware UG. Published and distributed by astragon Entertainment GmbH. Firefighting Simulator, astragon , astragon Entertainment and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of astragon Entertainment GmbH. Manufactured under license of Rosenbauer America, LLC, Leatherhead Tools, Wheeled Coach Industries and HAIX® Schuhe Produktions u. Vertriebs GmbH. The MSA firefighting product images and the MSA marks are used with permission of MSA The Safety Company. Unreal, Unrea l Engine, the circle U logo and the Powered by Unreal Engine logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. in the United St ates and elsewhere. All other names, trademarks and logos are property of their respective owners. All intellectual property relating to the rescue and fir efi ghting vehicles, equipment, and associated brands and imagery therefore (including trademarks and/or copyrighted materials) featured in the game are the prop ert y of their respective companies. The firefighting and rescue products in this game may be different from the actual products in shapes, colors and performance. Nintendo Switch is a trademark of Nintendo. All rights reserved.