Stadium Expansion


  • USK 0
  • Pegi 3

Stadium Expansion


各就各位,預備,開踢?先別急,刺激的足球比賽需要優秀的場地!只要選購《Construction Simulator》的 Stadium Expansion,玩家就能貢獻一己之力建造體育館跟相關設施。這款 DLC 內含精彩的劇情單元任務,一共有五項任務和六項一般任務,為歐洲地圖增加超過 20 小時的遊戲體驗。Stadium Expansion 的重頭戲是要從零開始建造體育館,內容包括架設天橋和多座看台、建造貴賓室和入口,以及最後收尾:為壯觀宏偉的體育館鋪設球場。 


  • 產品資訊
    • 開發者: weltenbauer.

    © 2024 astragon Entertainment GmbH. © 2024 weltenbauer. Software Entwicklung GmbH. Published and distributed by astragon Entertainment GmbH. Developed by weltenbauer. Software Entwicklung GmbH. Construction Simulator, astragon, astragon Entertainment and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of astragon Entertainment GmbH. weltenbauer., weltenbauer. Software Entwicklung GmbH and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of weltenbauer. Developed with the kind support of Liebherr. The machines in this game may be different from the actual products in shapes, colours and performance. All other intellectual property relating to the trucks, machines, construction equipment, associated brands and imagery (including trademarks and/or copyrighted materials) featured in the game are therefore the property of their respective companies. All rights reserved.