Construction Simulator 2
US - Console Edition
熱門手機遊戲《Construction Simulator 2》現已可在Xbox One上暢玩。體驗針對主機進行優化的最全面的移動設備建造模擬遊戲之一。
在《Construction Simulator 2 US》主機版中,你可以打造屬於自己的建設公司,並駕駛40款已授權的原裝工程車輛,包括Caterpillar、Liebherr、Palfinger、Bell、STILL、ATLAS、Mack Trucks、MEILLER Kipper及Kenworth各大製造商品牌。這款《 Construction Simulator 2014》受歡迎的續篇中有深入人心的內容,像操作巨大的起重機、裝載建設材料、澆注混凝土並用瀝青鋪好西部平原城市的街道。《Construction Simulator 2 US》主機版提供道路建設與一大堆配合工程車輛的工作,帶你前往美國。擴展到新的地區,擴充你的團隊並精通超過60項吸引人又具挑戰性的建設工作。
熱門手機遊戲 — 現在入駐XBOX ONE
熱門手機遊戲《Construction Simulator 2》現已可在Xbox One上暢玩!使用你的Xbox無線控制器贏得成就並以前所未有的方式探索西部平原,這一切多虧了針對Xbox One優化的畫面效果。
已授權的原裝車輛和機器,包括Caterpillar、Liebherr、Palfinger、Bell Equipment、STILL、ATLAS、Mack Trucks、MEILLER Kipper以及Kenworth各大品牌。操作CAT的D8T履帶式拖拉機、430F2反鏟挖土機或745C翻斗車、Palfinger的PK 27002 SH裝料吊車、Liebherr的81K塔式起重機與LTM 1300移動式起重機、ATLAS的L310輪式裝載機與Bell設備的B45E翻斗車,以及來自Kenworth的T880。
建立了自己的公司之後,你就可以開始一點一點地探索西部平原的新區域,並在《Construction Simulator 2 US》主機版的廣闊世界中接受規模更大、利潤更豐厚的建設工作。
有史以來第一次,你可以在《Construction Simulator 2 US》主機版中的惡劣條件下建造和維修道路。利用Caterpillar的專門機器從新角度體驗遊戲,並在施工現場享受更豐富多彩的一天。
Xbox One, Xbox One S or Xbox One X system
- 開發者: weltenbauer.
- 類型: Simulation
©2018 astragon Entertainment GmbH. © 2018 weltenbauer. Software Entwicklung GmbH. Published and distributed by astragon Entertainment GmbH. Construction Simulator, astragon, astragon Entertainment and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of astragon Entertainment GmbH. weltenbauer., weltenbauer. Software Entwicklung GmbH and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of weltenbauer. Developed with the kind support of Caterpillar, Liebherr, Bell, Palfinger, ATLAS, Mack Trucks, MEILLER Kipper, Kenworth Truck Company and STILL. The Mack Trademarks and Bulldog Hood Ornament are registered rights of the AB Volvo Group and are used pursuant to a license. KENWORTH and KW & Design Trademarks licensed by PACCAR Inc, Bellevue, Washington, U.S.A. ©2018 Caterpillar. CAT, CATERPILLAR, their respective logos, "Caterpillar Yellow," the "Power Edge" trade dress as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission. www.cat.com / www.caterpillar.com astragon Entertainment GmbH a licensee of Caterpillar Inc. All other intellectual property relating to the construction equipment, associated brands and imagery (including trademarks and/or copyrighted materials) featured in the game are therefore the property of their respective companies.