astragon Entertainment, a subsidiary of everplay plc, is a leading German games developer, publisher and distributor of sophisticated ‘working’ simulation games, focusing on non-violent cooperative gameplay with very detailed, technical, and realistic environments. Since 2023 Independent Arts Software has been a subsidiary of astragon Entertainment. The German developer studio has been producing commercial game software of various genres for over 30 years.

astragon’s internationally well-known IPs include Construction Simulator, Bus Simulator, Police Simulator: Patrol Officers and Firefighting Simulator. The distribution of high-quality licensed and distribution products such as Farming Simulator and SnowRunner complete its attractive product range. astragon games are available world-wide on many different platforms such as consoles, smartphones, tablets, and PC.

"Never stop playing, because your passion is powerful" – Annie, Marketing Manager

My Story 

Ever since I was able to properly handle a controller, video games have been my passion. When it was time to enter professional life, I knew I wanted to work in the field that excited me the most – gaming. However, I didn’t have any ties to the industry in form of a related degree or an internship, and after several rejections, doubts about my plans began to creep in. But determination was key and rewarded with gaining a foothold in the gaming industry and the role of Marketing Manager. So don’t underestimate your talents, your passion, your power – it pays off. 

My Call to the Industry

It is our responsibility to drive real change in the representation of women in games. Having empowered, authentic women in leadership roles shaping the industry is crucial to this as well as to inspiring other women to find their place in the games industry and live out their passion.

"Never stop playing, because you deserve to be heard." – Barbara, Controller

My Story

It took me a few years to learn to trust my own intuition and to realise that others may not always know what is best for me. Furthermore, I have learned that trusting my own abilities and judgement not only helps me to develop as a person, but also helps others to find new perspectives and, as a result, perhaps even a better solution to a problem. It's been refreshing to learn that other people can even be inspired by my opinions and ideas, and I now feel more comfortable opening up to others and not getting in my own way.

Sometimes you get the feeling that as a woman you are judged especially for your life choices, and all my life I had this fear in the back of my mind. Today, I can say that I am glad that I deviated from my predetermined path and embarked on some unexpected adventures. Ultimately, I'm proud of myself for not feeling unsettled by the opinions of others and for staying true to myself and my interests, and for working in such a vibrant and diverse industry. 

My Call to the Industry

In a world where the loudest, boldest and most competitive personalities are heard, we need to think multi-dimensionally. Many women are taught to fit in, and we often find it difficult to speak our minds. The gaming industry needs to create an environment where everyone feels accepted and comfortable speaking up. Sometimes it feels like the world is missing out on so many inspiring voices that would advance our industry or even humanity as a whole.


"Never stop playing, because the world is open to you." – Lisa, Sales

My Story:

As the mother of an almost two-year-old daughter, it is especially important to me to be both a loving, present mother and a dedicated professional. I want to spend valuable time with my daughter while also having the freedom to pursue a career that excites and challenges me, allowing me to reach my full potential. For me, change is also an opportunity to discover new facets of myself. As a young mother, you are thrown in at the deep end at first, but over time, you grow into the role. Life is constantly evolving, and for me, Never stop playing means embracing these changes - just like my daughter - by gaining new experiences and learning new skills, both personally and professionally. Through play, children develop essential skills for adulthood, and this learning process continues throughout life. Playing keeps us adaptable, open to new challenges, and motivated to grow into the person we aspire to be.


I am especially grateful that astragon Entertainment’s flexible working hours and liberal home office solution have helped me successfully balance both roles - as a mother and a professional specialist - under one roof. This support makes it much easier to navigate my career while being there for my daughter, allowing me to thrive in both aspects of my life.

My Call to the Industry:

Companies should support women, especially working mothers, in realizing their full potential in professional life. Maternity should never be an obstacle or a reason to exclude mothers from opportunities. Instead, they should be given the necessary freedom and flexibility in their daily work lives to grow, explore new professional horizons, and reach important milestones - even when returning to work after parental leave. Investing in hardworking mothers is always worthwhile, as they bring immense value to companies! 

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