Construction Simulator 2
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US - Console Edition
Construction Simulator 2, il grande successo per dispositivi mobili, è ora disponibile per il tuo sistema PlayStation®4. In Construction Simulator 2 US – Console Edition puoi usare il controller DualShock®4, ottenere trofei ed esplorare Westside Plains come mai prima d'ora, grazie alla grafica ottimizzata per sistema PlayStation®4. Usa mezzi e macchinari da lavoro originali, su licenza di Caterpillar, Liebherr, Palfinger, Bell Equipment, STILL, ATLAS, Mack Trucks, MEILLER Kipper e Kenworth. Includono il trattore cingolato D8T di CAT, la gru da carico PK 27002 SH di Palfinger, la gru fissa 81K di Liebherr, la ruspa L310 di ATLAS, il dumper B45E di Bell Equipment, il T880 di Kenworth e molti altri. Esplora Westside Plains e affronta più di 60 incarichi di costruzione appassionanti e complessi, come riparare strade ormai in disarmo o ricostruire un ponte ferroviario. Per la prima volta potrai lavorare alla costruzione strade con macchinari progettati specificamente per quel compito.
Requisiti di sistema
PS4 or PS4 Pro system
Informazioni sul prodotto
- Sviluppatore: weltenbauer.
- Genere: Simulation
©2018 astragon Entertainment GmbH. © 2018 weltenbauer. Software Entwicklung GmbH. Published and distributed by astragon Entertainment GmbH. Construction Simulator, astragon, astragon Entertainment and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of astragon Entertainment GmbH. weltenbauer., weltenbauer. Software Entwicklung GmbH and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of weltenbauer. Developed with the kind support of Caterpillar, Liebherr, Bell, Palfinger, ATLAS, Mack Trucks, MEILLER Kipper, Kenworth Truck Company and STILL. The Mack Trademarks and Bulldog Hood Ornament are registered rights of the AB Volvo Group and are used pursuant to a license. KENWORTH and KW & Design Trademarks licensed by PACCAR Inc, Bellevue, Washington, U.S.A. ©2018 Caterpillar. CAT, CATERPILLAR, their respective logos, "Caterpillar Yellow," the "Power Edge" trade dress as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission. www.cat.com / www.caterpillar.com astragon Entertainment GmbH a licensee of Caterpillar Inc. All other intellectual property relating to the construction equipment, associated brands and imagery (including trademarks and/or copyrighted materials) featured in the game are therefore the property of their respective companies.